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Reinsurance Broker Management Tool

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Reinsurance Broker Management Tool


Cloud Software

Cloud Software

It can be accessed from anywhere



Custom-made to meet specific needs

Management Reports

Management Reports

Statistics to facilitate the decision making process

Errors Reduction

Errors Reduction

Automated processes, less errors and rework 

What is Reinsurance Broker?

Reinsurance Broker was created to assist reinsurance brokers management. It’s a cloud software, easily customizable to meet your several processes needs.

The main goal of this solution is to facilitate the accomplishment of payments and inbounds, through a single cashflow. Besides that, it is possible to concentrate all the files related to each trade, in a way to keep all the necessary documentation accessible and safe.

Reinsurance Broker creates a journal, to keep track of all contracts, endorsements, amendments, renewals, cancellations. 

In addiction, Reinsurance Broker automaticaly calculates premium and claims installments through customizeble parameters. It also calculates comissions, fees and all values to be paid for all involved parts of the transaction.

After data registration, the tool allows you to generate custom reports on several formats, that can be created by the manager with a simple drag and drop of the chosen parameter. This resource is of great help on the decision making process, once it facilitates the evaluation of performance through KPIs.

Our solutions also allows you to generate automatic padronized documents for exporting and printing, for instance statements, brokerage reports, payments and receipts reports, among others. New kinds of documents can be easily created to meet the demands of the user.

Reinsurance Broker has in its roots BPM (Business Process Management) concepts, in a way of ensure more eficiency on the processes assisted by the software.

Finally, Valkyriam has a great experience on software integration, this allows data centralization and padronization.

Contact Us

Your opinions are important to us. Whether it is a simple question or a valuable suggestion, we are here 24/7. You can call us by phone or email us directly.
